Goodbye summer, welcome fall colections!

Zadnji je dan leta, nazalost. Iako je vreme jos uvek lepo, polako se treba pripremati za sledecu sezonu. Verujem da je vecina vas videla  fall/winter kolekcije sa NY fashion week-a koje su fenomenalne, ali i, nazalost, za vecinu nas preskupe :( Evo jesenjih kolekcija koje su nam dostupnije :) 

Unfortunately, it's the last day of summer. Even though the weather is still  nice, we should slowly start to prepare for the next season. I believe that most of you have already seen the fall/winter collections from the NY fashion week, which are great,but unfortunately too expensive for the most of us. Here are the fall collections which are more available :)


Quick outfit post

Nas prvi outfit post :)
Our first outfit post :)

The famous Color-Block trend

Svi se slazemo da je jedan od najupecatljivijih trendova ovog leta upravo Color-Block. Osim u modi, moze se videti u makeup-u, cak i u umetnosti i arhitekturi. Ovde mozete videti nekoliko saveta kako da ispratite ovaj trend :)

We all agree that one of the most striking trends of this summer is the Color-Block trend. Aside from fashion, it can be seen in makeup, even in art and architecture. Here you can find some trend following tips :)

Books...or not?

Notre premier post

Nakon duugog oklevanja, Mia i Minja su resile da  pocnu da prave ovaj blog,  pa kako bude. :) Jos uvek se snalazimo, i nadamo se da cemo da uspemo da savladamo ovo cudo. Znamo da ne mozemo nista novo da izmislimo, ovaj blog je samo nacin da prekratimo slobodno vreme. :) Potrudicemo se da budemo zanimljive :D

Kisses, Mia&Minja