You gotta love Burberry!

 Odusevlejne smo celom novom PRÊT À PORTER Printemps-été 2012 Burberry Prorsum revijom!  Suknje i torbe su predobri! Sta vi mislite? 

We just love the newest PRÊT À PORTER Printemps-été 2012 Burberry Prorsum collection! Love the skirts and the bags! What do you think? Kisses :-*


Zbog posla i fakulteta, nas dve se redje vidjamo :( Danas smo ugrabile priliku da popijemo kaficu i da se na brzinu fotkamo :) Sad se bacamo na ucenje, a vi nam kazite sta mislite! :)

 Because of  our obligations we don’t see each other very often :( So today we grabbed the opportunity to drink coffee and have a quick photoshoot  :) Tell us what you think!

Kisses, Mia i Minja

Black wedding dress? Why not?

Bela vencanica predstavlja simbol celog vencanja, zar ne? Veoma mali broj zena se usudjuje da im vencanica bude druge boje. Poznata kreatorka Vera Wang je na NY Fashion week-u posvecenom vencanjima sokirala publiku svojom novom kolekcijom crnih vencanica! Haljine su u gotik stilu, sa puno nabora tila i sifona koji su bogato ukraseni. Ni traga beloj boji. Jedva cekamo da vidimo koja poznata zvezda ce se usuditi da iznese ovaj novi wedding trend :)

This just in- black wedding dresses by Vera Wang! Would you dare to wear one on your big day? :)

Dolce & Gabanna Summer show

Leto samo sto je proslo, a mi vec gledamo sta nam sledece donosi :) Odnosno, sta su nam Stefano i Domenico spremili :) Sudeci po reviji, sto vise boja, materijala i leprsavosti! Jos modela mozete videti ovde Nama su haljinice favoriti, a vama? :)

The summer has just passed, and we are already looking at what the following will bring to us :) That is, what Stefano and Domenico have prepared :) Judging by the show, the more colors and fluttering materials, the better! We just love the dresses, what about you? :)

Heel condoms!

Koliko god cudno zvucalo, ovo je jedan od novijih i odlicnih izuma u svetu cipela. Naime, rec je o navlakama koje se stavljaju na stikle i koje u potpunosti menjaju izgled cipela! Naravno, kod nas ih nema, ali se mogu narucivati preko fejsbuka-ovde ili preko njihovog sajta. Plus, ima odgovarajucih velicina za sve stiklice :)  Zanimljivo i korisno, i ne kosta mnogo, a dobijete nekoliko pari cipela ;) Jedini kondomi koji se mogu koristiti vise puta :)

This is one of the newest and greatest inovations in the world of shoes . The heel condoms are actually covers which can transform your shoes. Facebook page and official site HC

Can art make a change?

Poznato je sa kakvim se sve problemima suocavaju ljudi danasnjice.Ali, necemo o tome sad. Ovaj post je posvecen street art-u. Prvo sto vam padne na pamet jesu grafiti, zar ne? Slike koje smo izabrale (od mnogo mnogo zanimljivih-viditeOVDE )  i jesu uglavnom grafiti, ali i natpisi koji nose poruke vezane upravo za probleme koje smo pomenule. Mogu li ovi mladi ljudi ovom modernom umetnoscu napraviti bilo kakvu promenu? Nadamo se da mogu, nas su naterali na razmisljanje, pa smo zato odlucile da podelimo ovo sa vama. Uzivajte!

We all know what are the problems of our society. But we won’t write about that. This post is dedicated to street art. The first thing that comes across your mind are probably the graffiti, right? The photos we have chosen (of many many interesting photos, see HERE) mostly are graffiti, but also the signs with messages linked with the problems we mentioned. Could this young people make a change with this modern art? We hope they can, they made us think, that’s for sure! That’s why we decided to share this with you. Enjoy!

Get the look : RINGS

Svaki outfit je nepotpun bez odgovarajucih aksesoara, zar ne? Za ovaj post smo izabrale neke veoma neobicne i zanimljive prstencice :)

Every outfit is incomplete without appropriate accessories, right? For this post we chose some very unusual and interesting rings :)

Kreativni napad!

Ovaj post posvecen je dvema veoma talentovanim devojkama cija dela govore vise nego sto bismo mi mogle da napisemo :) Detaljnije o njihovom radu i jos fotografija na njihovim Facebook stranicama :)

This post is dedicated to two very talented girls whose acts speak more than we could write :)  More about their work and more photos on their Facebook pages :)


Indeks :)

Prvi dan fakulteta :) Novi pocetak, nova odeca :) 
The first day of college :) New beginning, new clothes :)